Are you in need of a slow living lifestyle?
It is the norm in today’s society to strive for more, then more, and even more. The bigger house, the nicer car, fancy clothes, a new boat, and so on. It never stops. This lifestyle demands longer hours of work, a better job, or an additional job. So much busyness to get more stuff that isn’t really necessary.
The question to all of this is why? Why do you want all of this? Is it keeping up with the Jones’? All of this stuff that you are working so hard for will require upkeep and add even more stress, in addition to having to pay for it. At some point in your life you will experience burnout and ask yourself why am I doing this? It is at this point you may want to start slowing down.
Why wait for that to happen? Instead of a life filled with stress, exhaustion and the pursuit of everything, why not look to create a fulfilling life of simple slow living where you can stop to smell the roses and are conscious of how you are spending your days? That is the Slow Living Lifestyle.
Let’s look at some slow living routines that you can do to create a happy and simple life.

Quit Pursuing Stuff
You will immediately feel less stress when you aren’t pushing yourself to get the latest big thing, the bigger house, nicer car, or latest phone or gadget. You will feel less pressure on yourself to acquire things that really won’t bring you real sustained happiness. You will feel a weight lifting off of you. You can still have an incredibly fulfilling simple life by living within realistic means.
A slow living lifestyle allows you to feel more grateful for what you have. You will begin to understand that you don’t really need to compete with others and see the pleasure in living with what you have. It can be a very freeing moment in your life, saving you money and focusing only on things that you truly will appreciate.
Focus on getting your time back
By slowing down your life, you immediately realize the benefits of slow living. You are not rushing around all day and you can enjoy the little things in life that can provide so much peace and pleasure. Enjoy the sunrise, sunset, a beautiful sunny day, your children, your pets, and all the other things in life that bring true happiness. Life goes by so quick. Sometimes we don’t realize it until so much has passed without fond memories marking the chapters of our life.
The slow living lifestyle is about a calmer, relaxed, more mindful lifestyle that allows you to enjoy time and take in the part of your day that you might have otherwise zoomed by.
Focus on the important people in your life
With simple slow living, you become more aware of what the important things around you are.
You will find more time to strengthen the connection with family and friends. The bonds that are the fabric to life and mark the memories that you carry with you through life. More time with your children before they grow up. More time with your parents.
Focus on your mental and physical health
The slow living lifestyle will allow you to focus on your mental and physical health. You have less stress and anxiety because you’re not trying to rush through everything. This can greatly enhance your mental health. When you feel less stress, you will experience less physical problems like headaches, muscle aches, and gastrointestinal problems. You will feel more energy as the stress lessens and your mind and body aren’t continually racing through the days.
You lessen the probability of chronic illness like high blood pressure and diabetes. Find the time to eat healthier and slower.
Focus on reducing mental clutter
Reducing mental clutter by focusing on one task at a time will actually increase productivity and creativity. Studies show that multi-tasking actually reduces productivity. Do one task right, giving it your full attention, then move on to the next task. The stress of multi-tasking, with your mind on several things at once, reduces your creativity and imagination. How many famous artists have you heard of that paint several paintings at the same time?
With simple slow living you will find that you don’t need or even want a hundred things running around inside your brain.
Focus on you
Life is so short with very few second chances. Focusing on a slow living lifestyle will allow you to discover or rediscover you and the things that truly make you happy.
Instead of focusing on the material things that you think will make you happy, focus on internal things that make you happy. Whether it is exploring your creativity through music or art, spending more time with family, friends, your pets, or going on a walk or a hike by yourself to gather your thoughts.
Throughout your fast-paced life there is little time to think and explore who you really are and what it is in life that makes you happy.
This really is the most important aspect of a slow living lifestyle. One that you can carry with you for the rest of your life.
Are you ready for a slow living lifestyle?
If you are ready to embrace a slow living lifestyle, know that your old habits will challenge you every day. It will take focus and perseverance to push away the old lifestyle that demanded and drained so much of your time, effort, creativity, and energy.
It isn’t always easy to say no but eventually it becomes your new habit and easy to do. You will have to continually say no until it becomes your new habit and easier to do.
The journey to a slow living lifestyle will come with so many benefits that you will wonder why you didn’t do this before. Maybe now is the right time for slow simple living!
Please see my post on Easy Daily Habits for Happy & Simple Living for more on the Slow Living Lifestyle.