How to Easily Pay Off Debt Using the Debt Avalanche Method. Most Americans have debt that threatens their financial freedom. Almost everyone has some form of debt, some more than others. Credit cards, student loans, personal loans, and car payments, they have become a...
How to Easily Pay Off Debt Quickly Using The Debt Snowball Method. Debt is the evil monster that lurks in our wallet and threatens our financial freedom. Almost everyone has some form of debt, with some more than others. Credit cards, student loans, and car payments,...
How to Create a Successful Monthly Budget That is Achievable Now. Is money tight? Do you have debt that you need to eliminate or pay down? Do you have financial goals that you would like to achieve? You are in the right place because all of this is possible by making...
How to Pay Off Debt Fast. Managing your personal finances is neither easy nor enjoyable. You have so many other things going on in your life that managing your finances can sometimes be way down on the list of priorities. All of us have some form of debt, but some of...
Good debt vs bad debt. Is there such a thing as good debt? Most of us think of debt as a bad thing. After all, owing money is commonly known as a bad thing that takes us further back from achieving our goals of financial freedom. Debt is something that we have all...
Have you heard of the 50 30 20 rule for home budgeting? Not many have but it could be the one thing to help you create and stick to a budget that you can use to get a handle on your expenses and your savings. Monthly budgets, no one likes them, and few people use...
Let’s take a look a how you can save a bunch of money each year with affordable alternatives to cable TV. How much do you pay for cable TV each month? $150? $200? $250? More??? Are you tired of paying the outrageous price of cable TV these days? Are you thinking...